ISO 9001 goes automitove
A sustainable, successful positioning of one's own organization on the market, be it national or global, requires a comprehensive understanding of the industry and customer requirements for method knowledge and the understanding of processes in all areas of an organization. Here, especially in historically grown organizations of the traditional non-automotive industry, there are sometimes considerable frictional losses in the new environment.
These frictional losses are often accompanied by considerable follow-up costs of product and process development, which are completely underestimated in advance and which continue in later series production.
"Q" supports your organization through the transfer of knowledge and methodological knowledge and in understanding the automotive process.
We would be happy to impart automotive knowledge and understanding of methods to your organsation, also by actively temporarily taking on relevant functions on site, in order to avoid costs eveb before they arise.
Our services for you:
- Analysis of your organization's ability to meet the requirements of the automotive market, interested parties with their requirements for the organization and the fulfillment of these requirements
- "Q" examines your ISO 9001 quality management system for the ability to later upgrade to IATF standard
- We point out precise chess points and, upon request, optimize your value chain and your quality management system in order to meet the high requirements of the automotive OEM and TIER 1.
- Together with you, we may implement missing or ineffective core processes of automotive quality in your organization
- "Q" will help you to make a successful entry and will be happy to accompany you competently and professionally in your automotive projects.
Unsere Leistungen für Sie:
- Analyse Ihrer Organisation auf die Fähigkeit die Anforderung des automobilen Marktes zu erfüllen, interessierte Parteien mit Ihren Anforderungen an die Organisation, sowie die Erfüllung dieser Anforderungen
- "Q" untersucht Ihr ISO 9001 Qualitätsmanagementsystem auf die Fähigkeit auf eine spätere Erhöhung auf IATF Standard
- Wir zeigen präzise Schachstellen auf und optimieren auf Wunsch Ihre Werschöpfungskette und Ihr Qualitätsmanagementsystem, um die hohen Anforderungen der automobilen OEM und TIER 1 zu erfüllen.
- Gemeinsam mit Ihnen implementieren wir möglicherweise fehlende oder verbessern nicht wirksame Kernprozesse der automobilen Qualität in Ihrer Organisation
- "Q" verhilft Ihnen zu einem erfolgreichen Eintritt und begleitet Sie gern kompetent und professionell in Ihren automobilen Projekten.